Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Trans Am Trail 2016 ThreadSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 16
    8 years ago
    It begins.
    The new software (which I've been working on for the last three or so years) allows me to embed articles right in the forum but clearly I have some formatting issues ... I'll fix it.

    8 years ago
    Blog Article (12058)

    Day 0

    It's been a major push these last several days trying to get ready for this trip. It's now almost 1 AM. I am almost ready and just have a few last details to take care of.  I had planned on trying to upgrade the site several days ago but unfortunately, as is always the case when I try to leave, life had other plans. So here I sat the night before I am to depart trying desperately to get the latest software installed and working. I considered it entirely reasonable to do a 10 revision upgrad ...Read More

    2 of 16
    8 years ago
    If you have an account and are logged in you should now be able to post comments to blog articles.

    There are still countless bugs, like the fact the group digest doesn't seem to be working, and other issues I have to fix but hopefully over the coming days I'll be able to address the most important ones. But right now, it's time for me to leave.
    3 of 16
    8 years ago
    I forgot that I need to create a better rendering for blog articles in the forum. I'll get to that. Just click on the title to read the article. 
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (12319)

    Days 10 and 11 - TAT Day 4 - Growing Into Gravel

    I originally started writing during my 2010 Alaska trip. I would tell people where I was going, "Alaska". And how I was going there, "On an 18 year old street bike with street tires." I would then tell them about the Dalton Highway and it's unpredictable largely unpaved 424 miles. All my guy friends responded similarly, "Cool. Let me know how it was when you get back." In contrast, virtually every single female friend I had at the time responded, once I told them about the Dalton, "YOU'RE DOIN ...Read More

    4 of 16
    8 years ago
    I had some time to write:
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (12519)

    Days 12,13,14 - TAT Days 5,6,7 - Of Water Crossings and Angry Dogs

    I should have realized it much sooner, but I did not. On the first few days of this journey, I was struggling. Nothing flowed. I kept dropping things. (Those who know me best, at this point, already know where this is going.)  I kept making mistakes of a kind I typically don't make. I felt out of sorts. I would end the day completely spent with sore muscles of the kind I have not felt in ages. I pondered calling it quits. I began to tell myself stories, "I'm just not a dual sport guy. The ...Read More

    5 of 16
    8 years ago
    Latest update:
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (12704)

    Day 15, 16, 17 TAT Days 8, 9 - Mud, Muck, Dust, Dogs, and Detours

    We invent narratives. We tell ourselves stories. "I'm too old." is a common one. Of course it makes sense. I'm older now and many have told me the same story. "This is a young man's adventure. At 48, you're just not a young man anymore."  Stories. I know a man named Tom White that I met on the Cannonball Centennial Ride. He was one of the few who rode across one way and then back the other. The last I heard he's 79 and just toured to and from the Mount Rushmore area and does off road ev ...Read More

    6 of 16
    8 years ago
    Latest blog post:

    8 years ago
    Blog Article (12813)

    Days 18 - 22 TAT Days 10, 11 - Gravel Grades, TAT Riders, and Red Clay in Rain

    Three Down Days I am currently in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Megan, of Dual Sport Touring, shipped a new tank bag and rollchart holder to a Quality Inn here and found me a Suzuki dealer not far away where she had a new heat shield for my exhaust delivered. I made better time than expected and arrived, soaking wet and completely wiped out, Sunday afternoon (Day 19, TAT Day 11). The Suzuki dealer didn't open until Tuesday so I had some down time. Sunday's ride was by far the most difficult an ...Read More

    7 of 16
    8 years ago
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (12913)

    Days 23,24 TAT Days 12, 13 - Unexpected Critters and Earthquakes in Oklahoma

    I had fallen back asleep having hit the snooze button with the thought that I need to get up because I need to write when suddenly someone started jumping up and down on my bed. "What the f***?" I thought as I looked around the room for the culprit. "Huh. There's no one there. Oh right. I'm in a hotel. It would be a bit odd if there were." I looked at the room. Yup. Still shaking. "Construction?"  I slowly started coming to the realization. "Ah. Earthquake." It was a calm real ...Read More

    Please, if you have trouble logging into the site let me know (Use the contact link at the top of the page or message me on facebook please.) I'm trying to track down the issues with the site while I travel. 

    I'm sorry for all the problems.
    8 of 16
    8 years ago
    I'm back in New Mexico. I should get tires on the bike tomorrow. I'm a bit behind on writing but I have uploaded some maps with photos.

    Map #12918
    8 years ago

    TAT Day 14 - Oklahoma Mud Puddles and Water Crossings

    The trail surface changed dramatically today. I don't understand how someone would be able to ride these roads in the wet. The remnants of the rains from a couple of days ago were bad enough. The black mud in this region is no joke,

    9 of 16
    8 years ago
    And it's always something. Now, for some reason, the screenshots aren't getting generated.
    10 of 16
    8 years ago
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (13019)

    TAT Days 14, 15 - Mud Runner and Long Days

    Moments come and go and get lost to time. It has been a while since I've written. The longer I wait the more the memories fade and the more daunting the task becomes. I'm currently in Raton, NM. I can hear the sound of cold thunder outside as dark and very angry clouds slowly march this way. Bright sunshine pierces through white clouds in the distance and in the other direction all is black and despair looms.  I got new tires mounted on the bike today. I thought with as popular as the Suzu ...Read More

    11 of 16
    8 years ago
    I found some time to write. Ophir Pass was no joke.

    8 years ago
    Blog Article (13179)

    Trans America Trail Days 18, 19, 20 - This one goes to 11

    While most days on the trail are not all that challenging, they are still exhausting. Riding on these varying surfaces requires a degree of concentration for hours on end that saps me of what little remaining life force I have. At the end of the day, I find I rarely have the necessary mental clarity or energy to process the photos I've taken during the day let alone attempt to craft a few words.  With a major storm in the forecast, I've once again decided to take a rest day. I am curren ...Read More

    12 of 16
    8 years ago
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (13378)

    Trans America Trail Day 21 - Changing Landscape of Utah

    I've been in Los Alamos now for a few days waiting for parts to fix my poor broken a little less Mighty DR650. Finding the motivation to write has been challenging. My mind is disorganized and I've been having trouble concentrating. My thoughts keep reaching homeward and up to close friends in Canada.  A number of days ago now, I had gotten the last room within 50 miles by sheer luck. How many times have I lucked out like this on these travels?  "My luck is going to run out." I thought ...Read More

    13 of 16
    8 years ago
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (13398)

    Trans America Trail Day 22 - Incredible Landscapes in the Utah Desert

    I am still in Los Alamos staying with my buddy Bruce and his family but should be making my way homeward in the next couple of days. After he drove up in his pickup truck to come get me and my broken motorcycle, we spent the last few days working on his 2001 BMW K1200RS that he recently bought. He wanted to make some modifications to it so we've been focused on getting that done. He had a wrecked 2003 K1200GT with an aftermarket exhaust and wider rear wheel that he wanted to salvage along w ...Read More

    14 of 16
    8 years ago
    8 years ago
    Blog Article (13407)

    Trans America Trail Day 23 - The End in Mud

    It was over a week ago now that I had arrived in Price, Utah after having ridden through wonderfully scenic and varied desert landscapes. Price is situated in the shadow of a mountain range. Because it was something I have been concerned about, I always scan the mountain tops looking for snow. This time I noticed snow on several peaks to the Northwest. "That's not ok." Audrey said on the phone when I told her this. She asked what I would do if I came across any snow on the passes ahea ...Read More

    15 of 16
    7 years ago
    Here's a video put together by a guy I crossed paths with  on multiple occasions on my Trans Am Trail Trip:
    Video #13568
    7 years ago

    2016 Transamerica Trail (mostly)

    Footage filmed along the Transamerica Trail in September and October 2016. Unless you're me or one of the people whom I started with or met on the trip, you ...
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    7 years ago