Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    1 of 7
    10 years ago
    Nice site. Thanks for the link.

    That's actually very similar to what I'm building here although what I'm doing here involves more community, story, and discussions.

    Downloading tracks to the GPS from the site here is still on the TODO list though but will get built before too long (it's been a frequent request by buffalo).
    2 of 7
    10 years ago
    For instance, this is a ride we took yesterday:
    3 of 7
    10 years ago
    Hey Tom,

    Good Thread!

    I have used Microsoft's Streets and Trips for years, like 15 years, so I guess I'm hooked. I just like how it works, and can be a GPS on its own with a laptop.

    For years also, I had a Garmin Streetpilot III that I could export the Streets and Trips File to GPS Utility and Import in the Garmin Program, then download to the unit. The Streetpilot died, and I use an App on my Android Phone called Sygic, one price for a lifetime of use.

    I still plan using Street and Trips, then run that file through ITN Convertor, which is a good little planning tool itself. Then I save the Sygic File to my Dropbox Account, and it is automatically synced to my phone and Sygic.

    Sygic is not perfect, and I have been writing them to have an option on the Auto Re-routing, as sometimes I stray, but don't want to be re-routed!
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    Lisa Epifano Hall
    10 years ago
    I've been using Basecamp and have been pretty satisfied but it is time consuming to build a route. I just discovered Harley's Ride Planner which makes it super easy to map and upload to the GPS. I will probably use both depending on how much time I have.
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    Lisa Epifano Hall
    10 years ago
    I was hesitant to use it thinking it couldn't be that good. But I was pleasantly surprise by how quickly I could put a route together and how easy it was to upload. The one issue I found is you really have to watch where you drag the waypoints because it will take you down a side road just to make a uturn and come back.
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    10 years ago
    Yea, that's a side-effect of how the routing algorithms work.