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established 11 years ago
California Super Bike SchoolSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 12
    6 years ago
    So for my 50th Birthday ryan647, with contributions from others, is treating me to the California Superbike School Level III class. They just offered us a discount so it was just decided we'll stay on an additional day and do Level IV the next day. 

    This should be interesting. If you had asked 20 year old me if he could ever imagine 50 year old me doing something like this he would have said "hell no". Then again, 20 year old me would have no chance of keeping up with 50 year old me. 

    All kidding aside, since it's been so long since I've been on a track or done any serious practicing, I find myself once again a little more than a little intimidated by this. 

    2 of 12
    6 years ago
    I wish there was a porn School but I'm already an expert

     about 15 16 years ago my grandparents and my mother and father paid for me to go to the Mario Andretti Formula One experience in Daytona Beach and it was such a blast and terrifying at the same time there's nothing like a sound I have a thousand horsepower Ferrari V12 right behind you when you're doing a hundred and 80 miles an hour but I can only imagine what those Super bikes can do

     things I would like to know about this though are the bikes limited and top speed or acceleration rates do you have to stay behind a pace driver or do they do inCommunications through helmet or what?

     this looks like it would be a lot of fun unfortunately it's exactly the furthest spot from me on the continent or at least within a hundred or so miles of it

     to anybody and everybody who gets to do something that's awesome I hope you have one hell of a fun day and be careful because we love everybody on motorcycles
    3 of 12
    6 years ago
    They offer these classes around the planet. I'll be taking this one at Virginia International Raceway (VIR). It's a class so there's classroom time and then track time where you practice individual skills. In Levels I & 2, the bikes were left in rain mode which turns on all kinds of nanny aids useful when you're trying to learn. They say as a result of all the aids their first time student crash rate has dropped dramatically.

    The speeds on the track aren't that high. I only hit about 140 or so in the straights the last time. They actually tape over the speedometer because they don't want people distracted by what speed they are going. Again, it's about the practice. It's not a race so you don't really push it all that much. 
    4 of 12
    6 years ago
    I just completed the signup for Level IV.

    Out of curiosity and in part to start preparing for this, I found a video of a lap of the Virginia International Raceway Track:

    Video #55199
    6 years ago

    MotoAmerica - Lap of VIRginia International Raceway onboard with Cameron Beaubier

    Defending 2015 MotoAmerica Superbike Champion Cameron Beaubier takes us for a lap around VIR.
    5 of 12
    6 years ago
    Yermothat's great!

    When are you doing the class?

    Who is "we"?

    Look forward to hearing all about it.
    6 of 12
    6 years ago
    May 7th and 8th at Virginia International Raceway. It was a 50th birthday present from ryan647 with contributions from a few others. ;) 
    7 of 12
    6 years ago
    Be careful; you might get addicted to track riding. It will make you a super better street rider and it is safer than being on the streets. I understand the nerves but the guide riders will keep you safe and within your abilities. 
    8 of 12
    6 years ago
    I’m totally jealous - never done even one track day. I do see that California Superbike School does a weekend not too far from me at The Ridge in western Washington... 
    9 of 12
    6 years ago
    Ian, taking Levels 1 & 2 completely changed my riding. It's very expensive but IMHO so worth it.
    10 of 12
    6 years ago
    Yermo I'm sold.  It's just a matter of timing.  This year's getting pretty well booked up in other expensive ways, so we'll see.  It's on the list.
    11 of 12
    6 years ago
    I just completed level II at VIR (May).  At 64 all things are possible if you apply yourself!  I fully intend to complete III and IV next year.  I highly recommend VIR! 

    12 of 12
    6 years ago
    VIR is where we did it. What a fantastic track. I plan to go back at least yearly to continue working on my skills. Level IV is individual instruction which you can take as many times as you want, each time having it customized to your particular needs.