Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving!Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 3
    11 years ago
    I am so very thankful for my family and friends. My friends aren't many but certainly make up for what lacks in quantity with quality. You are all an important part of my life and I appreciate it more than anyone could know. From passing the gas hose, to offering up accommodations that actually have electricity, and for not saying "wow, that's the worst/dumbest xxxxxx I've ever seen" (even when we both know that it really is) you guys are the best.

    Thank You!
    2 of 3
    11 years ago
    Happy Thanksgiving! Here's to many more miles together on motorcycles in the coming years!
    3 of 3
    11 years ago
    Friends are indeed one of the most valuable "possessions" you can have in life. And arguably, friends you can ride with make it even better. Here's hoping that we all get to enjoy many, many more years and miles of riding together!

    Oh, and happy Thanksgiving too