Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
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    I'm 10 days away from my first motorcycle trip of 2021 and will be recording it here on Miles-By-Motorcycle. If you'd like to watch the trip progress, reply, and I will invite you to the ride - just select to "watch" as it's not an open ride.

    ABOUT - I was invited to attend the kickoff event for expansion to Arizona. I'm flying into Phoenix, meeting up there to pick up our bikes, then heading south to Bisbee, AZ for 4 days of riding both on and off road along the Mexico border. We're staying in a small historic hotel. There are numerous loop rides to choose from each day.

    Provided we have internet service on the border, or at least cell service, I'll be posting day-by-day updates from the experience. I'm also going to shoot video of it and post on Youtube when I return.

    This will be a nice test of Miles-By-Motorcycles features and I hope you will enjoy the sights and experiences I share. Reply with a comment and I will send you an invitation to the ride.