Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Hornet XP3 Electronic Deer Repelling System For MotorcyclesSubscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    3 years ago
    Since it's the crazy (rutting) season for deer, and since we had a near miss on yesterday's ride, I thought it might be good to share info on the deer alerting/repelling system I've had for some years now. Yes, I've heard the ubiquitous blanket claims that "no deer whistle works", but the Hornet system is different. First off it's active (electronically driven), not passive,  and second I've directly observed deer look up from what they're doing and pay attention when I drive by with mine on. While no technology can give you a 100% guarantee of deer avoidance, my direct experience has shown me that this system helps. More info at the link below:
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    3 years ago
    After perusing the website, it seems interesting.  I haven't yet searched for any independent reviews of it, but will put whatever I find here.
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    3 years ago
    Excellent. That will be big help.