Miles By Motorcycle
established 11 years ago
Excessive sprocket wear?Subscribe to this blog RSS Feed
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    1 of 4
    2007 BMW 650 XChallenge
    11,600+ miles, mostly off road

    Doing a quick prep of the bike for tomorrow's ride and I note the rear sprocket is cupped and the teeth starting to point south. Does this wear seem normal or excessive?

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    5 years ago
    Given that I do not know that machine that well, nor the type of riding you have been doing, I cannot say if the wear is excessive for that amount of miles.

    I would certainly say that you need a new set of chain and sprockets though; and I'd get a new front and rear.

    What is the sprocket made of?  Steel or aluminium
    3 of 4
    Thanks. I found the cause, self generated of course - low pressure in the air shock. That allowed for too much sag and increased the chain tension. I thought the ride was unusually squishy that day. The roads were tame so I never bottomed out. I hope more attention to maintenance will prevent a recurrence, it's an expensive lesson to learn.
    4 of 4
    5 years ago
    Good thing you found the cause :).

    All told, not the most expensive mistake that can be made with a bike.  Certainly, not the most expensive mistake that I have ever made.